4.1 Flora voor Fauna

Flora voor Fauna (Flora for Fauna) is an initiative that advises on planting that increases biodiversity in the city. The right planting can reinforce the habitat of specific animal species and thus of other useful animals. A garden for song thrushes calls for different plants than a garden for bats. Flora for Fauna composes a specific mix of plants for specific fauna, such as bumblebees or butterflies. So far, Flora for Fauna has created a child-friendly green route through a downtown neighbourhood in Rotterdam; various postage stamp gardens in public spaces; and a habitat garden in the city centre of Rotterdam. Special paving stones indicate for which species the planting is intended. In addition to giving planting advice, Flora for Fauna, in cooperation with Evasie, also helps with the maintenance by counselling volunteers from the neighbourhood. All participants share the knowledge they’ve gained, so that they can apply it in their own gardens or at other places in the city.

-Various locations Rotterdam (NL), From 2013

-Flora voor Fauna, Marieke de Keijzer, Marlou de Jong & Eva Bes (Evasie)